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  • At this time, ManneqART does not cover shipping costs. Please include a PRE-PAID return shipping label with your garment when shipping to ManneqART. Any piece sent to us without a return shipping label will be kept until one is sent.

  • We ask when creating your artwork, consider shipping costs. Keep in mind the weight and girth of your artwork. Both the weight of the box and its size are taken into account when pricing to ship. While designing your piece make sure to account for any foreseeable (and possibly costly) issues.

  • If you are dropping off your piece to the ManneqART offices, be sure to let us know. You will also need to pick up your artwork after the year’s events in a timely manner.

  • If you need your garment returned to you by a certain time, please let us know. If expedited shipping is necessary, please include this in your return shipping payment.

  • If you change your mailing address at any point during the competition, please notify us.

  • Include any shipping directions or specific requirements with your garment, so that we can package and return your garment to you in the same condition we received it in.



  • ManneqART strongly encourages artists to insure their work before submitting entries to the Competition. We are not responsible for lost or stolen submissions.

  • Please insure your work from the time it’s sent to us (April) to the time it will be returned to you (November).

  • ManneqART is not responsible for “wear and tear” damage that might occur during the Competition, accidental or otherwise. This includes preparation (unpack, setup, pack-up) by ManneqART staff or passersby for Competition events (Live Hair and Makeup Competition, Free Public Display, Awards Gala) over the course of the Competition timeframe.


Property Retention and Distribution

  • If selected, ManneqART will hold your artwork from April of the entry year to November of the entry year.

  • Upon receipt of your submission, your work will be documented by ManneqART (photographs, video, etc.). Any such imagery will be offered (free of charge) back to you (the Artist).

  • You will be contacted if there is any expressed interest in purchasing your design(s), or for extended display of your work.

  • ManneqART reserves the right to use and distribute any submitted documentation (images, video) of Competition entries. This includes documentation submitted by artists and additional documentation captured by ManneqART staff.

  • If a submitted design wins any sponsored award (and subsequent monetary prizes), the intellectual property rights of the images are shared three (3) ways between the you (the Artist), the sponsor (Award Sponsor or donor) and ManneqART, Inc. All three (3) legal entities may use these images without consulting the other two (2). Ownership of the physical design still rests with you (the Artist), unless otherwise negotiated.



(301)  778-0616

8775 Cloudleap Court Unit #1

Long Reach Village Center

Columbia, MD, 21045

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